Florian Thieringer
Prof. Dr. habil. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Florian M. Thieringer, MHBA
Prof. h. c. (Léon, Nic), Prof. adj. (SDM Dharwad)
University Hospital Basel & University of Basel, Switzerland
Florian M. Thieringer is an Oral- and Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgeon and a Medical 3D Expert, with focus on Tumor-, Trauma-, Reconstructive- and Orthognathic Surgery, located at the University Hospital Basel and University of Basel, Switzerland.
FMT is currently Chair and Full Professor of Oral and Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery at the University Hospital Basel. He is the Head of the Medical Additive Manufacturing Research Group (Swiss MAM) at the University of Basel’s Department of Biomedical Engineering (UNIBAS DBE).
He is an internationally recognized expert for computer assisted surgery (CAS) and medical additive manufacturing, extensively exploring and promoting the integration of virtual surgical planning, 3D printing and other innovative technologies at the point-of-care (POC) – like additive manufacturing of patient specific implants (PSI) in various (bio-) materials, including bioprinting & regenerative surgery.
Since 2016 Florian Thieringer is Co-Director of the multidisciplinary 3D Print Lab at the University Hospital of Basel. Since 2020 he is Co-Principal Investigator of the innovative MIRACLE 2 project (Minimally Invasive Robot-Assisted Computer-guided LaserosteotomE). This 12 Mio Swiss Francs research project, funded by the Werner Siemens Foundation, aims to develop a robotic endoscope to perform contact-free bone surgery with laser light. Perfectly fitting patient-specific implants will be designed in AR/VR and will be produced by intra- and extracorporal 3D printing.
He is co-applicant and since 2021 in the steering committee of the University Hospital Basel flagship project “Innovation Focus Regenerative Surgery”.
Department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital Basel,
Secretary: Mrs. Katrin Roulet, Phone +41 61 265 73 44
Swiss MAM Research Group, Department of Biomedical Engineering, UNIBAS
Research Project Manager: Marion Blum, E-Mail: Marion.Blum@usb.ch
Further information:
MIRACLE II Project Page: